Monday, October 22, 2007


Had a good day yesterday - went to the meeting at Southport and then went round to visit my grandad who is just out of hospital for his hip replacement.

Got home and went to work, I closed, so I was home about 2:15 which wasnt bad considering how yuck the floor was! Also my manager wants to train me to be a shift-runner, so I was learning about that too, however Sunday night's paperwork is different to the rest of the week.

She wants me to do Wednesday and Thursday nights in future as a shift - runner once I am trained: training begins this week! I have to learn how to manage the teenagers - which apparently is harder than it looks and how to resolve customer complaints etc.

I was told in no uncertain terms that when I come to work on Wednesday I would be in trouble if I go out on the road as a driver when I am supposed to be learning how to run a shift! We'll see how that goes - if it's busy obviously I'll have to take the risk! So basically it's a promotion - fast tracked because they need someone who a) actually turns up to work & b) will be able to handle the responsibility of the job. I'm not too sure about the second one! I asked my manager if she wanted to train someone cheaper (read: under 18) as there are a few good teenage shift-runners at our store, but often they can't work closes because they have to go to school the next day. She likened managing the store to having a toddler - she says it needs constant supervision and attention! Anyway with any luck that means a pay rise for me sometime in the not-too-distant future - yay because I get a pay rise just as a delivery driver once I am there 13 weeks - which I am about 2/3 of the way through :) Justy is doing well at Domino's too - he worked his first close on Friday night and the opened on Saturday...poor thing!


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