Tuesday, December 27, 2005


We went down to the pool at Mingara today. Jazmin seemed to really enjoy it.

Jazmin's loot

2 bibs, Legionnaire style sunhat, Care Bears Volume 9 (10 Episodes) DVD, 3 Muslin wraps (for putting over the pram), Mini Mango camo pants (later use as shorts), 2 T-Shirts, Mini Mango sleveless top, Farm Animals book, Puzzle with handles and a box of McDonalds Cookies. She really likes the cookies!


Been busy.
On Christmas day we went up to the Bible School at Rathmines. Great to catch up with everyone.

Margaret and Ralph King (my grandparents)

Jessica Baird

Irene Baird, with Jazmin and me.

Jazmin with Elsie Stead. Elsie is Jazmin's Aunty Leah's Mum.

In the evening Justin's parents came up and we had roast beef and vegies for dinner, and some nibblies

Dressed just like Daddy

Zonked out!

On Boxing day we went for a drive up to Stockton Beach (Near Newcastle). We had lunch at McDonalds. These are pics of Jazmin's first time in a McDonald's highchair....not her first time at macca's though! I think we are raising a good little consumer here...she's into the coffee already!

We had fish 'n' chips (beautiful New Zealand Hoki) on Soldiers Beach for dinner. Justin went for a surf.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

New Pics

These were taken over the last few days, and I thought I'd post them up.

Sunset at Wallarah Bay Rec Club


Wow we're rich! Well actually I thought it was a cool pic is all.

Jaz on her new playmat from her great Grandparents

Grandad doing some bench-pressing

Such an innocent face......

Hyperemesis Gravidarum Wikipedia Entry

Wikipedia has now got an entry for Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG). That's the sickness I had during my pregnancy with Jazmin.

It seems to be a fairly accurate description and may help in educating people as to the differences between morning sickness and HG.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005


Played Simpsons Monopoly with James, he won by a long shot.

Had Bob and Tiff over for a BBQ. They're moving back to Adelaide... and having another baby!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Trip to Budgewoi

We all went to Budgewoi on the bus this morning, to get stuff out of our car...especially James' suitcase and the new camera. We must have looked a sight on the way back. We had a stoller with Jazmin in it, and the Pram with the suitcase and car seat on it. Also the nappy bag and James' back pack, so we had a job manoevering it all around!


I posted some pics of the car onto my previous post about smashing it.

Pics taken last week except the one with the spider in it.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Smashed the Car

Yesterday coming back from Newcastle Airport I smashed the car in a moment of distraction. It will cost about a grand for the insurance, and I'll get an infringement notice and probably points off my license too. It's also a big pain in the backside coz we didn't even get to do the grocery shopping :( I was intending to do that last night.

Oh yeah, and we got dropped home in a police car!

We won't get the car back till next Friday either. My grandparents will have to hire a car now too. We walked down to San Remo shops to get some bread, milk and formula. I don't know if we strictly needed the formula but it was on special and cheaper than what we would have paid at Big W anyway, so it was good to get.

We are intending to have a movie marathon tonight, perfect opportunity as we can't really go anywhere either!

Thursday, December 15, 2005


Today is our work party so I've got to get this posted before we all head onto busses to go to St Ives. Woe betide any one with 7 cat-filled sack-carrying wives who gets in our way...

Jazmin's co-ordination is progressing quite wonderfully. It's amazing that someone as unco as me can have such a talented baby! She can hold her sippy-cup with both hands and raise it to her lips for a drink. She can also hold her bottle to her mouth while reclining - can't do it sittung up just yet, but that will come in time.

I was reading a book about the Babytalk program in the UK on the train this morning. Apparently the best way to get children to talk is to repeat what they say, as they are not designed to copy adults at all. Trying to "teach" children to talk only results in them closing down and withdrawing. Interesting stuff.

Also amazing is the effect that background noise has on a child's learning. They need to have a big difference between foreground noise (them and you) and background noise because they haven't learned to "tune it out". So TV, radio and other noise needs to be kept to a minimum during interative playtime to make sure that baby can get the maximum benefit from it.

An took this photo of Di and Jazmin which I think is beautiful.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Smiley Jazmin

Jazmin's post

I am meant to be in bed but I'm not tired.

bbbb fc vb5vvvvvvvvvvvtgggggg
3rrerbw4bgv4wvfwvw444444444444442q gcdbtrymjunn fsd

More Pics of Jazzy

Kinda self explanatory....

Monday, December 12, 2005

New Link

I've just put a new link on the page (see left). This page has a whole stack of tips for things around the home. I found it while looking for stain removal tips. Wine is a whole lot easier to get out than baby food....something I didn't even need to know before! I tried most of the commercial stain removers to much expense and little avail! So for top tips, check it out.

Back From Perth!

Justin got back from Perth on Saturday evening.

Despite my assertions to the contrary, I did end up driving all the way in to the airport! Well it was a challenge, but we got there safe and sound, a bit frazzled by a hassle with the E-tag tunnel, though not a major one. I didn't know there was a toll-way there and had to get my wallet out of the boot! It didn't make much difference in any case because the guy in front of me didn't even move by the time I got back in the car!

So, I picked up Justin from the airport, having gotten impatient waiting at Pymble as planned.

Below: Jazmin at the airport.

...And the sky coming back from the airport

We decided we could give An a lift home to Ryde as well. An works with Justin and was going to get a taxi.

When we got to An & Johan's place, we stayed for dinner - ordered pizza and ended up leaving about 10:30! We enjoyed the night. An was telling us about an interview she got to do with a Sangoma(http://www.africanenza.com/sangoma.html) - when she lived in South Africa. I found it interesting to hear about it first-hand.

We slept on the way home a couple of times but got in about 1am which was OK.

On Sunday we went to Gosford as usual and got some cute pics of Charis Luke and Jaz doing some new stuff.

Justy's work gave him a good digital camera for Christmas...It's great and better (more expensive!) than the one we were looking at getting. It's great because it is small and they gave him the software to run it on his laptop and the memory stick too - all ready to go. Needless to say, I have since snaffled it!

Here's a couple of pics I took of Jazmin this morning, yes they are all today's she has gone through a lot of clothes. She is starting to get the hang of sitting too, but can't pull herself to that position just yet.