Saturday, June 24, 2006

Di's birthday

I had been planning Di's birthday surprise for a while, and am pleased to say it went off quite well. Lal Tappouras had kindly offered to babysit Jazmin so we dropped her off about 10.00am. Shiloh was quite happy to see Jazmin and was upset when we started to leave - she wasn't aware that we were leaving Jazmin to play with her all day. The look on her face when mum explained that Jazmin was staying was a sight to see! Two very happy little girls.

Escaping from Ourimbah, Di and I went down to Erina and bought a few supplies at a scrapbooking shop we had been driving past for ages, before I dropped Di off at the main event: 5 Star Day Spa for a Hot Rock Massage Treatment. This is the description from their website:

"For hundreds of years, Hawaiians have been using hot stones with heat, colour and sound (chants) for healing in order to restore balance in mind, body and spirit. The treatment involves placing hot stones on pressure and charka points and massaging with aromatic oiled hot stones. A truly heavenly experience. "

After this 1.5 hour experience, we ended up at Erina fair for some lunch. We had intended to see The Da Vinci Code, but went shopping instead. Di found some cookie cutters that we had been looking for over some months, got the last box in the country, so we were told! Quite a find. We also bought a set of "princess-dress-up-accessories" for Shiloh.

Collecting Jazmin, we had a bit of a chat with Lal, showed her the blog (including pics from her last visit to our place) and played dress-ups with Shiloh. Tottering around on her first set of "crystal high heels" - she looked very cute and knew it!

We're moving next weekend, so most of our tasks are organised: truck, flights, boxes and so on. Looks like we will be living on microwave meals for a few days but we are excited about getting to Qld.

Monday, June 19, 2006

Finally I Can See The Floor!!!

In my loungeroom!!! The guys from Allied Pickfords came today and took away all Grant's stuff, so I have got significantly more room now :) The place is starting to look a bit bare now, since we have started packing our stuff up too.

Jazmin has learnt how to squeal this week, hmmmm interesting times....

Friday, June 16, 2006

June Update

Just a few things:

Congratulations to Ev and Jesse Bennett on your recent marriage! Sorry if I spelled your surname wrong.

We are finally shipping Grant's stuff to the UK so it will be good to have the extra space in our loungeroom.

We've also been checking around for a new sofa - something that we can add to later on. Fantastic Furniture seems to be the way to go.

The move is scheduled for the 1st weekend in July - half our stuff is already packed and we are looking forward to seeing our friends.

Di's birthday is next week and I have a nice surprise planned. Lal Tapp is babysitting Jazmin for afew hours while we go out for a nice date. Haven't had one of those for wayyyyyy too long so it will be good for me and Di to re-connect and have some fun as a couple. Lal and Shiloh are very excited to be playing with Jazmin , so it should be a good day.