Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I like Tuesdays because I can get DVDs out of the shop for $1 each. It's a good deal. Putting up some pics taken over the last week.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"Sir, as this is Tuesday, it's my feeling that Wednesday could occur officially as early as tomorrow." - The "A" Team

And yesterday was Monday! Yesterday I got about 5 loads of washing done (Still a bit of a hangover from the Sydney trip) Got it all dry, mostly by hanging it in the scrapbooking room and only 1/2 a load thru the dryer coz our electricity bill was thru the roof since we got the dryer. I was looking at the shops for a rail with hooks that goes over the door for our laundry so I can hang things up if they need stain removal coz it makes it easier to see the spot. I couldn't find one, however I found a clothes rack that goes over the top of the door so I bought two - one for the laundry and one for the scrapbook room, so I effectively got more space to hang clothes and can see what I'm doing with stains. I never knew how hard it was to keep toddler's clothes looking nice! Currently I'm drying my rose that Justy gave me for Valentine's day on it too.

It is still raining on and off here too.

Bought Jazmin 2 pairs of cute pajamas for now and another set with ponies and stars for her birthday coz sometimes when I go back to get things later they're all gone. Also bought Justin some new shirts, which thankfully are the right size and he likes. And for me? I bought a new garbage bin for the study. Joy.

Jazmin has gone back to bed and she is still a bit sick with a cold and I think she has given it to me.

Justin has to fly back to Sydney today as well.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Doing lots!

Got back from Sydney ok, had to have the car jump-started when we got to the airport.

Went to Toowoomba yesterday. Got my hair done (permed!) and I quite like it.

Got the camera from Aldi that we wanted.

Justin has to go back to Sydney next week.

Lots to do at home today but looking 4wd 2 a day where I am not out all day!

Threatening to rain...that would be just right - I have SO much washing!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

What's black, white & scribbled all over?

A crossword of course. Except this one can be done online. New link at the side for the Sydney Morning Herald daily crossword. And if you get stuck I've also included a puzzle solver website that is pretty good!

Having fun in Sydney. Went to get a new digital camera today, but they aren't getting them in till Thursday. So we'll get one when we get home.

I have also removed the Coffee Geek link as even though I still like coffee, I do not want to promote it. Coffee prevents absorbtion of nutirents into the body. Please note that my decision to remove the link has nothing to do with anything on the site.

Happy Puzzling!

Friday, February 09, 2007


Gonna go pick up some girls clothes (Sizes 3-6) today from a freecycle lady at Strathpine on my way to the airport. She described them as: some are good - some are good for pre-school. Never hurts to have some extra play clothes! (Specially for free!)

Here's some pics Justy took on his phone last night and this morning.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Lucky Bamboo (Which isn't actually related to bamboo!)

On the weekend I bought some Lucky Bamboo. Yesterday I bought a vase to put it in. Here's a pic.

Dracaena sanderiana

Binomial name
Dracaena sanderianaSander ex Mast.
This article is about "lucky bamboo". For the aquatic plant, see
Dracaena sanderiana, known as Ribbon Dracaena or sometimes Ribbon Plant, is a species of
Dracaena, native to Cameroon in tropical west Africa. It is one of a group of small, shrubby species with slender stems and flexible strap-shaped leaves that grow as understory plants in rainforests. It is an upright shrub growing to 1.5 m tall, with leaves 15-25 cm long and 1.5-4 cm broad at the base.

Cultivation and uses
Dracaena sanderiana and related species are popular
houseplants, with numerous cultivars sold. It can survive in many indoor conditions, from direct sun to indirect lighting.
Although it grows better in soil, it often is sold with the roots in water. The water level is to either be completely changed every two weeks or added to every week. The water should be bottled water, or soft tap water with very little fluorine. It does best in bright, indirect lighting and temperatures above 15 °C up to 25 °C.
Yellow or brown leaf edges may be caused by fluoridated or chlorinated water, and can be prevented by leaving tap water exposed to the air for a day before plant use. Salty or softened water can also cause this.
Twisted shapes can be produced by rotating the plant with respect to gravity and directed light sources.

It is sometimes sold as "lucky bamboo", although it is not related to the
bamboo plant.

Not much else doing, but looking forward to going to Sydney tomorrow.

Monday, February 05, 2007


Jaz enjoyed the swim on Saturday morning. Got to the airport without incident - and went and had a biscuit at Gloria Jeans with Jazmin. Sunday we went up to Caloundra/Maroochydore. We went to the markets at Caloundra and around the shops. This was taken at Sunshine Plaza with Justin's phone, coz we still havent got the camera fixed.

Friday, February 02, 2007

The rest of the week!

Amanda was sick on Tuesday, so lunch didn't happen. Haven't spoken to her, but hope she's feeling better.

Justy did the bible class on Wednesday.

On Thursday I did the grocery shopping and "splurged" on extra meat and a cart with wheels to help with the cleaning - I can put things that don't belong in the room into it and sort it all out later. And I still managed to save $25 after those purchases. I have read a lot on the internet about smarter shopping and we are eating healthier as well (hmm I'm certainly not fading away...). So I am really pleased with that progress. We are eating simpler meals (great for me coz I hate cooking) but Justy and Jaz are easy to please - and Justy even ate a bit of Cauliflower and Broccoli the other night - I was impressed.

I also attempted to pick Justin up from work , but I got hopelessley lost when there were road closures where I was supposed to go and I took the wrong exit anyway. I ended up at South Bank and said to Justin on the phone - just meet me at Wintergarden (Hilton Hotel in the City) Poor guy had to walk a long way. It really doesn't help that neither of us know Brisbane very well and there are a lot of one-way streets. I was pretty frazzled because Jazmin was standing up in her car seat and wouldn't put her seatbelt on. And then when I was stopped at the traffic lights I pulled her to sit down and she grizzled all the way. It's all well and good to say "pull over and tell her off" but that's difficult (not to mention illegal) when you are driving in the middle lane on the freeway! All's well that ends well, but I guess there are always some days one is glad to leave behind!

I dropped Justy to the station this morning (didn't get lost on that drive!) and he is going to Bendigo today. He'll be back tomorrow. Let's see if I can take the right exit to the airport...I have invaribly missed it, but at least I know where to go if I do miss it and can get back there ok now!

Still Brisbane Airport is easier to navigate around that Sydney airport - and parking is cheaper too :) And well there's always DFO (direct factory outlets) if I'm too early! The Rivers shop is good and an awesome bookshop there.

Got a Sunday School swimming day at Bribie Island tomorrow, was going to take Jazmin -she's always up for a swim.