Monday, April 30, 2007


Ok well here is the executive summary of the past week!

Tuesday: Sophie came over to play with Jazmin and they had a great time, Justin was in Melbourne.

Wednesday: ANZAC day - we went down to Strathpine and also to the city. Justin said he had one of his "Lifetime Wants" (A phrase from the Sims2) fulfilled: We bought Jazmin a proper rock climbing harness. After that we went to the Glasshouse Mountains and had afternoon tea in a cafe there. We checked out possible light walks and picnic spots.

Thursday: Justin was supposed to be doing a presentation on the Gold Coast, but the man he was going to present with had his flight cancelled because the plane broke down. He rang to let us know asap, however that was before 6am! And Jazmin had fallen out of bed (even though we have a bed rail, she fell out the end) at about 5am so we had a pretty broken sleep! Took us right back to night-feeding days. So glad we haven't had to get up for almost a year and a half now! Anyway, Justin decided to go to the Gold Coast anyway, and I went along with him and spent the morning with my grandparents while he went out and prospected the area. We went and picked up a cubby house for Jazmin that we had won on eBay. We went to Sizzler at the Hyperdome for dinner and then I went to Spotlight and bought some scrapbooking supplies.

Friday: I had an appointment in the city and Justin needed the car, so I went with him and Jazmin and I spent the day shopping, and Jaz and I went to see "Mr Bean's Holiday" at the movies. I thought it was much better than the first Mr Bean movie, even though I enjoyed that too.

Saturday: We went to a second-hand baby shope and sold our cot and nappy bag and some of Jazmin's old clothes. On the way home we drove past another baby shop that had a Little Tikes play gym out the front. I have been getting a few of these because Jazmin loves them, so I went in and bought it.

We did some research on greywater re-use and found that our system of connecting a hose to the waste from the washing machine is likely to burn the motor out as it has to pump the water a lot further - it needs to be pumped into a drum. After a long walk around Bunnings and finding nothing at all suitable for renters, we decided to invent(LOL) something suitable. We bought an 80L wheelie bin and hose fittings. We drilled a hole at the bottom of the bin, and fitted the hose attachment. Now the the bin holds the water, is mobile (that was a big problem with the hose anyway) and I just do the washing and wheel it out to wherever I want to water that day and take the hose bit out. It works very well.

Sunday: Went to brunch at the sports club (as is our normal custom on a Sunday) and then came home and relaxed a bit. The meeting wasn't till 6.30pm. After that a group of us went to McDonalds for supper.

Monday: Didn't do much - just washing and cleaning mainly. Justin is in Melbourne again. Sophie is coming over again tomorrow.

This was taken at our Maori Hangi Experience in Rotorua, which we truly enjoyed.

I won the toys out of a "Skill tester" in Auckland.

Monday, April 23, 2007

And still more pics

We had a good weekend. Went over to Emma's for dinner on Friday with James & Rose. On Saturday we went with Emma, James & Rose and Mary-anne (+ kids) to Marocchydore. Did some shopping at Sunshine Plaza then went to the beach. On Sunday we bought some more parts for Jazmin's outdoor play set, which she loves. It rained heavily last night though so she can't play on it just yet. I didn't get any pics over the weekend - too busy! These are more NZ pics for now.

On a very big slide in Lower Hutt

Jazmin enjoying a hot chocolate at Starbucks, Wellington.

Te Papa - National Museum - Wellington

Orakei Korako geothermal park

more NZ pics later....

The big news for us this weekend is: Jazmin has moved into a "big girl" bed! She seems to be doing fine! We had to install cupboard latches to stop Jaz pulling everything out.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

More pix

Justy is in Newcastle tonight, so I have a bit of time to post some more pictures.

This pic is when we first got the campervan in Auckland.

Me & My Dad

Marineland, Napier

Bribie Island/Some Napier Pics

Ok, I am not in the mood to write much - nor do I feel like waiting forever while the pitures upload...I'll probably put them up installments over the next few days. We really enjoyed our trip to New Zealand and wanted to post up the pics of that, and a few days before.

We bought Jazmin an outdoor play slide thing as an early birthday present:

Bribie Island
